Group Art Exhibition
An art exhibition featuring the work of 5 VCAS member artists and two international Artists-in-Residence from VCAS's digital residency program, Noah Heylen (Belgium) and Catherine Bourne (Australia).
Accompanied by a dance theatre performance during the Vernissage.
Vernissage: 6-10pm, February 29th, 2024
Opening Dates: 1-6pm, March 1-2nd, 2024
Location: WEST Building, Bibliothek
Augasse 2-6, 1090 Vienna
We Can't Afford (not) to be Artists
In an age of relentless productivity, our lives are dictated by the demand to produce, optimize, and contribute in the economic arena. This pervasive ideology has woven itself into the very fabric of our existence. It has shaped our values, our self-worth, and our collective aspirations. However, beneath the surface of this paradigm, we find a troubling omission—an erasure of activities and values that do not conform to an economic efficiency framework. This pervasive cultural mindset blinds us to the profound consequences of its narrow focus. In this exhibition we ask ourselves: What is sacrificed on the altar of perpetual productivity?
Participating Artists:
Anthony Kroytor
Catherine Bourne
(I) Instructor
Melina Steiner
Noah Heylen
Oliver Cloke
Vera Djemelinskaia
Ziegi Boss
Ziegi Boss & Melina Steiner
Exhibition & Artist Residency Team:
(I) Instructor
Oliver Cloke
Anthony Kroytor
Special thanks to:
Bezirksvertretung Alsergrund for sponsoring the event
WEST for hosting the Open Weekend and providing the exhibition space

Exhibition Publication
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