An artist's experimental video and short film showreel​

Public Premiere at Blickle Kino in Belvedere 21
Followed by Q&A with curators and present artists
Arsenalstraße 1, 1030, Vienna
October 30th, 2024, 6:30-8:30pm
Free Entry

Borders: shaping place and movement is an artist's experimental video and short film showreel dedicated to exploring the nature of borders and their impact on society, culture, and the human experience.

Borders have long been a focal point of human interaction, shaping the course of history and influencing the distribution of culture. From shifting geopolitical borders to the more abstract boundaries that delineate groups of people, works in this showreel investigate how these lines of demarcation often act as both barriers and bridges, separating and connecting individuals and communities. While many people feel a connection to the land and its history, nature itself is wholly indifferent to the shifting territorial boundaries drawn across its surface: borders and their associated politics, policies, and power structures are purely in the realm of human activity.

The works presented in this showreel explore these cultural and geopolitical boundaries, the land upon which they are drawn, and the profound impact they can have on the opportunities and experiences of individuals and communities.

Borders: shaping place and movement

Curators: Ziegi Boss, (I) Instructor, and Oliver Cloke

Showreel edited by: Anthony Kroytor

Jury: Anthony Kroytor, Melina Steiner, Oliver Cloke, Patrick Loan, Ziegi Boss

Special thanks to:

Blickle Kino at Belvedere 21 for hosting the premiere

Tom Hackett, Addendum, short film, 2024, still image

Artists and Filmmakers:
Leyli Alakbarova
Clemence B. T. D. Barret
Manuel De Marco
Vincent Entekhabi
Tom Hackett
Arjuna Keshvani-Ham
Carali McCall
Thomas Nicolaou
Melina Steiner
Rychèl Thérin

Additional Screenings:

Upcoming: NECE Festival 2024, NECE-Networking European Civic Education, Tirana, Albania, November 14-17th, 2024

Private Preview of “Borders: Part I”, NECE-Networking European Civic Education Lab, Art as a bridge: Fostering civic education on borders, July 4th, 2024